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  • About the Experience

    How was your
    overall experience?:

    Very Good

    Comments: Prior to surgery I was unable to raise my right arm above the level of my chest without severe pain from the shoulder to my elbow. The right arm throbbed constantly and my right hand had frequently tingling.

    My husband and I live on a farm and raise show heifers. I had always been able to throw a 50lb. bag of feed over my shoulder and carry it out to the trough. Over a 2 year period that had become increasingly difficult until it was completely impossible. That in conjunction with the constant pain in my right arm finally made me make the decision to have the surgery.

    After the surgery I was immediately pain free, without having to use narcotics for pain, and started exercising with a vengeance. I went to physical therapy once a week for 3 weeks. On the 4th week the physical therapist told me I had accomplished everything they could do for me in half the time and that I just needed to continue the exercises at home.

    Since surgery I can “throw 50lb bags” over my shoulder again even though I try not to overwork my shoulder too much! I’m back to hauling 500# heifers around while halter-breaking them and rarely have discomfort in my shoulder. I can reach around my back again.

    I feel wonderful! Thank you, Dr Chin!
