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  • Website-reviews 429053Website-reviews

    Thank you to the amazing Physical Therapy team at SROSM. The knowledge and concern the staff showed for Kayla was hands down the best in this area. Kayla's therapy included PT/Aquatic and Alter G. We are convinced that the comprehensive and advanced therapy she received is what got her back to her f...

    ~ Kayla ~

  • Website-reviews 429052Website-reviews

    I have been getting treatments from Dr. Chin for the last several weeks, knee injections and then a hip injection and some physical therapy. The physical therapy did not give me relief and muscle spasms continued. My first session with Kristin has resulted in very positive results and less pain than...

    ~ Marcelino ~

  • Website-reviews 429051Website-reviews

    Dr Chin was so delightful to talk to. He was no where near knife happy, he worked with me and my foot/ankle for 3 months. I had very little pain after the first week. Of course I did everything he told me to and was very careful. He is all around GREAT!

    ~ Debbie ~

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